April? As in, the fourth month of the year? How are we so far into the year? How is it that in about two weeks, I’ll be on my way home?
Time’s going by so fast, and I’m not sure it’s a good thing. There are so many events packed into the last couple of weeks of semester, and finals are fast approaching.
On Thursday, I watched concert band play some wonderful pieces, including an arrangement by a very talented Clarkie. To top that off, our choir performed at the beautiful church across the street on Saturday. And although I didn’t get to attend the whole thing, The Clark Bars (one of our acapella groups) had a concert on Friday night with special solos for seniors.
So, overall, it was a good week for music at Clark, with a lot of reminders about who’s leaving and who’s staying after the next couple of weeks.
Friday, April 19th was the national Day of Silence. To commemorate this day, OPEN held a table in Red Square the whole day where people could write supportive messages to the LGBTQ+ community and have a photo taken – these photos were combined into a presentation. To finish off the Day of Silence, we had an open mic night called Night of Noise where people performed poems, music, and told stories about silence. We had an awesome group of students come in from WPI and perform, along with their adviser! As a future member of OPEN’s e-board, it makes me really happy to see students from different schools support each other.
It’s really weird to think we’re so close to the end of April, and I’m getting excited just thinking about my journey home – I’m even planning on starting packing next week! Almost done with a quarter of my college life…